The rapid urbanization and globalization combined with the uncontrollable fires cost us the natural forest system. This deforestation causes severe damage
to the ecosystem: soil erosion increases while soil moisture capacity and humidity decreases.
Alongside there is a continuing increase in the global timber and fuel demands. This creates a critical need for managed forestation projects in order the needs of the worldwide market to be satisfied.
Paulownia is a unique and ideal solution to all those Global issues!
This fast-growing, readily sustainable hardwood requires minimal management and
little investment. Harvesting begins within 8-10 years and can continue yearly for as long as desired, since new shoots grow from the stumps of felled trees.
The Paulownia easily purifies the soil from heavy metals and harmful salts. Compared to the usual other tree species used for planting in urban areas, the rate of absorption of CO2 annually from a Paulownia tree is 3 to 10 times higher due to the rapid accumulation of biomass and conversion of CO2 into carbon.
Paulownia plantations and forestation might be the answer of the growing need of timber, powerful recycling ecosystems and alternative biofuels.